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发布者: [发表时间]:2018-07-03 [来源]: [浏览次数]:


近年来主要从事中国文学在当代俄罗斯传播状况研究,出版专著《当代俄罗斯(自1991年至2010年间)中国文学研究》,在相关期刊发表《中国古典文学大型丛书在当代俄罗斯的译介》、《中国当代文学在俄罗斯传播遭遇困境原因解析》、《俄国汉学家卢基扬诺夫对< 易经>俄传的贡献》等论文。目前正在进行的研究课题有:《当代俄罗斯中国文学研究动态考察与分析——以“远东文学研究”国际学术研讨会为例》、《“一带一路”沿线国家语言文化研究》、《中国文化在俄罗斯》等。

Guo Jinghong, associate professor of BFSU. She was a PhD graduate from Beijing Normal University.

Research interests include Russian Sinology, Sino-Russian Comparative Literature. The ongoing research topics are: “The Dynamic Investigation and Analysis of Contemporary Russian Literature Research - A Case Study of the International Academic Seminar on Far Eastern Literary Studies”, “National Language and Culture Studies along the Belt and Road”, “ Chinese culture in Russia “, etc.