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发布者: [发表时间]:2018-07-03 [来源]: [浏览次数]:


联系方式:100089 北京西三环北路2号 北京外国语大学 海外汉学研究中心


Dr.YANG Huiling

Researcher, Beijing Foreign Studies University

As a full-time researcher in National Research Center of Overseas Sinology, Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), Dr. YANG is engaging on interdisciplinary studies with the emphasis on history of bilingual Chinese dictionaries, Chinese learning during 16th to 19th century, and history of Christianity in China. She examines the language learning strategies and cross-cultural experiences of Christian missionaries in context of history of Christianity in China during 16th to 19th century. She has won a number of fellowships and been a visiting scholar in Hong Kong and many European countries. Her recent book received Excellence Academic Award Beijing in 2011 and National Nomination Award of Best 100 Dissertations in China in 2012.

Contact Information:

Dr. YANG Huiling

E-mail: nrcosbfsu@126.com