FERRERO, Michele
出生地: 意大利
1987 – 1989 哲学学士 (罗马慈幼大学)
1989 – 1994 意大利都灵国家大学拉丁语和希腊语硕士.
1994 – 1996 神学硕士 [爱尔兰]梅努斯圣帕特里克学院
1996 – 1999 学习普通话(台北 TLI)
2000 – 2004 台湾辅仁大学神学博士
1999 – 2008 神学兼职特邀的教授 上海佘山神学院
2005-2006 神学讲师,都灵意大利北部神学院 (意大利)
2006 – 2009 古希腊语和神学讲师,慈幼大学,耶路撒冷分校(以色列)
2009 - 古希腊语,拉丁语老师 (北京外国语大学)
麦克雷 (Michele Ferrero),意大利,1967年出生。自2009年起担任北京外国语大学拉丁语与西方经典教授。他撰写了多本关于中国、汉学、拉丁语和基督教伦理的书籍和文章。
麦克雷1967年出生在意大利,拥有台北辅仁大学神学博士学位和都灵大学(意大利)古典文学学位("Laurea in Lettere Classiche")。他曾在台湾、香港、上海、意大利都灵和以色列耶路撒冷工作。
自2009年以来,他在北京外国语大学教授拉丁语和西方经典,担任外国语专家,任职于该校的国际中国文化研究院(前“汉学中心”)。2012年,他在北京成立了独立的拉丁语推广中心“Latinitas Sinica”。
他在中国还曾在北京大学、首都师范大学、中国社会科学院、全国天主教神学院、以及意大利驻华大使馆意大利学生拉丁语学校教授拉丁语。他是罗马慈幼大学古典学系(Institutum Altioris Latinitatis)的客座讲师。
Name: Michele
Surname: Ferrero
Date of Birth: 03/04/1967
Place of Birth: Cuneo (Italy)
Michele Ferrero, Italy, 1967. Since 2009 Professor of Latin and Western Classics at Beijing Foreign Studies University. He authored various books and articles on China, Sinology, Latin and Christian ethics.
Michele Ferrero was born in Italy in 1967. He holds a doctoral degree in Theology from Taipei Fujen Univ. and a degree in Classics ("Laurea in Lettere Classiche") from the State University of Torino (Italy). He has worked in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Turin (Italy) and Jerusalem (Israel).
Since 2009 teaching Latin and Western Classics at Beijing Foreign Studies University. He works as Foreign Expert in the International Institute of Chinese Studies (former “Sinology Centre”) of BFSU. In 2012 he established “Latinitas Sinica”, a centre for the promotion of Latin
In China he held Latin classes also at Beijing University, Capital Normal Univ., the Chinese Academy of Social Science; the National Chinese Catholic Seminary; the Xiangbo Education Institute, the Italian Embassy School of Latin for Italian students, He is an invited teacher at the Faculty of Classics (Institutum Altioris Latinitatis) of the Salesian University in Rome.
He wrote books and articles about China, about Latin and about ethics. In June 2011 he promoted the first conference on “The teaching of Latin language in Chinese universities” at the Beijing Foreign Studies University.
Education and qualification
1987 – 1989 Bachelor in Philosophy (Pontifical Salesian University, Rome,)
1989 – 1994 Laurea (Master) in Classics Latin and Greek (State University of Torino)
1994 – 1996 Master in Theology (S.T.L.) Maynooth Pontifical University, Ireland
1996 – 1999 Studies of Chinese at Taipei Language Institute, Taipei, Taiwan
2000 – 2004 Doctorate in Theology (S.T.D.) Taipei Fu Jen Pontifical University, Taiwan
Past working experiences and assignments
1999 – 2008 Part time Teacher of Moral Theology and Ancient Greek at Sheshan Catholic Seminary, Shanghai, China
2005-2006 Teacher of Moral Theology at the Northern Italy Theology Faculty, section of Torino, Italy
2006 – 2009 Teacher of Moral Theology and Ancient Greek at the Salesian Theological Study Centre of Jerusalem, Israel, affiliated to Pontifical Salesian University of Rome, Faculty of Theology.
2009-present Teacher of Latin and Classics at Beijing Foreign Studies University, International Institute of Chinese Studies. Part-time teacher of Latin at the following: Beijing University, Capital Normal University, Chinese Academy of Social Science; National Chinese Catholic Seminary; Italian Embassy School of Latin for Italian students; Xiangbo Institute
2012 Founder of Latinitas Sinica
研究领域:Research Interests:
Latin, Ancient Greek, Ancient Western Civilization
Early Sinology, Latin Sinology
Christian Ethics, Church History
出版Publications 专著(Books)
- “Il prato dell’arcobaleno”(Torino: LDC, 1991)
- “Grano e riso”(Cuneo: Primalpe, 2002)
- “The Cultivation of Virtue in the True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven” , Fu Jen Catholic University Press, Taipei, 2004.
- “Tuo padre ed io ti cercavamo” (M. FERRERO – R. SPATARO ed.), Latin Patriarchate Printing Press, Jerusalem, 2007
- “Il cardinale Zen. Rosso speranza”, (Torino, LDC, 2007)
- “Saint Paul educator to faith and love” (M. FERRERO – R. SPATARO ed.), Latin Patriarchate Printing Press, Jerusalem, 2008
- “Sinologia Spirituale”, LAS, Roma, 2011 (《汉学中的精神-意大利文》
- “Spiritual Sinology”, Don Bosco Press, Manila, 2012《汉学中的精神-英文》
- “Lingua Latina Ad Sinenses Discipulos Accomodata”, Commercial Press, Beijing, 2014 (《拉丁语基础教程》) 商务印书馆有限公司; (2024第8重印)
- “1234 Sententiae proverbia et sigla latina” (《你应该记住的拉丁语1234句》), Commercial Press, Beijing, 2016
- 汉学中的精神 (Spiritual Sinology), Hebei Faith Press (河北信德社), 2016
- The four Gospels in four languages. Greek Latin English Chinese, STS Publications Jerusalem, 2016
- 《第一孔子拉丁语翻译》Il Primo Confucio Latino, LAS, Rome, 2019.
论文Articles (from 2010)
- “Education in Confucianism: Ethics as the Fruit and Goal of Education”, in: DESBOUTS – MANTOVANI, “Didattica delle scienze. Temi, esperienze, prospettive”, Roma, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2010, pp. 319-331.
- “Matteo Ricci, Cicerone e il concetto di «rito» nel confucianesimo”, in: Rivista liturgica 97, no. 2 (mar/apr 2010), pp. 217-230.
- “The extraordinary experience of priesthood of Father Matteo Ricci (1552-1610)”, in: CAPUTA G. – FOX J., “Priests of Christ in the Church for the World”, Studium Theologicum Salesianum, Jerusalem, 2010, pp. 160-185.
- “Chinese Classics in Matteo Ricci’s 天主实义 and its reception in Korea”, in: Korea University, “Chinese Classics and the culture of East Asia” (中国古代文化和东Asia, the book is in Korean, Chinese and English), Korea University Press, 2010, pp.105-133.
- “L’evoluzione storica della parola latina per “Cina”” , in Salesianum 4/2011. pp. 667-682
“A partial list of works in Latin about China from the Romans to today”, presented at the first conference on “The teaching of Latin language in Chinese universities”, Beijing Foreign Studies University, June 2011
- “References to Wang Yangming’s thought in Matteo Ricci’s 天主实义”, in 国际阳明学研讨会2011, 余姚国际阳明学研究中心 (International Conference on Wang Yangming)
- “Notes on the Atlas of China of Michele Ruggieri (1606)”, in: “西学东渐与东亚近代知识的形成与交流”, Beijing, 2012, pp. 387-401, (in Chinese)
- “Il latino in Cina oggi”, in Atti del Convegno per il 50 di Veterum Sapientia, LAS, Roma, 2011,
- “The Atlas of China of Michele Ruggieri”, “罗明坚的中国研究”, in西学东渐与东亚近代知识的形成和交流上海人民出版社; 第1版 (2012年6月1日), pp. 385-401.
- "利玛窦的《天主实议》”中对庄子及阿奎那的逻辑的态度" presented at:庄子的当代诠释”国际研讨会,北京外国语大学,2012
- “The Latin Words for “China” along the Centuries” in《拉丁语言文化研究》第一辑- 2012
- “Chinese influences on Pierre Teilhard de Chardin” in Comparative Literature East and West, Spring/Summer 2013, n.1, vol 18, pp.1-18.
- "利玛窦的《天主实议》中对庄子及阿奎那的逻辑的态度" (Chuang Zi conference 2012)
- “Il latino in Cina oggi (2012)” in: Sodi-Miraglia – Spataro “Veterum Sapientia. Storia, cultura, attualita’”, LAS, Roma, 2013, pp.100-114.
- “Early Sinologists and Chinese Ethics”, World Conference on Sinology 2012 published in Chinese translation as 早期汉学家关于中国伦理及_上帝临在_的争论_可供进一步研究的因素_麦克雷 Journal for the Study of Christian Culture in 2013.
- “Reference to Chinese Classics in XX century official Catholic documents and Catholic theologians” “2012北外第四届比较文学与跨文化论坛”
- “The Salesian Educative Work in Macau 1906-1926”, in The Macaology in the Global Perspective, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2013, p.539
- Angelo Zottoli’s (晁德莅) Latin translation of Confucius’ Analects (论语) (1879)“2013 汉语国际传播历史”国际学术研讨会在天津举行 ”
- China in the Bibliotheca Selecta of Antonio Possevino (1593) in: “比较文学与跨文化” (Comparative Literature and Cross-cultural Studies), 2014, n.1, pp.165-178 (in Chinese)
- “Latin texts of French sinologists” in: “比较文学与跨文化”, (Comparative Literature and Cross-cultural Studies), n.2, pp.20-34 (in Chinese)
- The Influence of Christianity on Latin Language in: Journal of Latin Language and Culture(BFSU), n.2, 2014
- 基督教对拉丁语的影响——以130个拉丁语单词为例 (拉丁语言文化研究期刊2014)
- “Don Bosco e il Latino”, in: SAJOVIC-SOLLENA (ed.), Christum amplecti. Studi in onore di Biagio Amata, Rome, LAS, 2014
- “Las lenguas clasicas en China” in: Alicia M. Zamudio (ed.), “China y México. Un diálogo cultural desde las humanidades y las ciencias sociales”, Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial, Mexico City, 2015 .
- Influence of Latin on the creation of Pinyin, in拉丁语对汉字罗马化的影响, in拉丁语言文化研究 Journal of Latin Language and Culture, 4, 2016.
- Esperienze Educative Salesiane Significative in Cina prima del 1950. Dieci Spunti di Riflessione. In: “SVILUPPO DEL CARISMA DI DON BOSCO FINO ALLA META DEL SECOLO XX. Atti del Congresso Internazionale di Storia Salesiana”, cura di Aldo Giraudo, Grazia Loparco, Jose Manuel Prellezo, Giorgio Rossi, LAS, Rome, 2015
- The first Western translation of “Da Xue”, Salesianum, LXXVIII,2, 2016, pp. 275-303.
- Michele Ruggieri's "De Sinarum Regno" and "Vera ac brevis divinarum rerum expositio",1582,罗明坚:“中华帝国”和“中国天主教教义释义”···············《国际汉学》International Sinology总第8期,2016, pp.60-84 (in Chinese)
- 《论语第一西方语言翻译:罗明坚手稿的第一章》,"The first Western Translation of Confucius’Dialogues: One Chapter from Michele Ruggieri’s(1543-1607)Manuscript 《国际汉学》International Sinology总第9期,2016, pp.22-28 (in Chinese)
- Some sharing on basic concepts of Latin Roman Law研议拉丁文罗马法的若干基础概念。。。。。。。on: Journal of Latin Language and Culture(BFSU), n.4, 2016 , 在:拉丁语言文化研究期刊.
- Possevino and Ruggieri, 波塞维诺《丛书选编》(1593)和早期汉学家罗明坚,in: Journal of Latin Language and Culture(BFSU), n.5, 在:拉丁语言文化研究期刊,第五辑,2017
- “La forze ispiratrice dei sogni missionari di don Bosco” (意大利语) in:BOZZOLO Andrea (ed.), I sogni di don Bosco. Esperienza spirituale e sapienza educativa, 罗马, LAS, 2017
- Ruggieri’s Catechism, 罗明坚:“中国天主教教义释义” in:Journal of Latin Language and Culture(BFSU), n 5. 拉丁语言文化研究期刊,第五辑,2017.
- “The issue of recognition in 2007 Letter of Pope Benedict XVI to Catholics in China” Salesianum, LXXX,4, 2018
- "Cuneesi di Pechino sopra e sotto terra", in: "Rendiconti Cuneo 2018" AA.VV. a cura di Stefania Chiavero, Dora Damiano, Roberto Martelli, Ed. Nerosubianco, Cuneo, 2018
- Zottoli’s Translation of Confucius’ “Dialogues” (晁德莅之《论语》的拉丁文翻译(1879)), inJournal of Latin Language and Culture(BFSU), n.7, 2019, pp.72-92
- “The Latin translations of Confucius' Dialogues (Lun Yu). A comparison of key concepts” , in: Confucius and Cicero Old Ideas for a New World, New Ideas for an Old World, Ed. by Balbo, Andrea / Ahn, Jaewon . Series: Roma Sinica 1 De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, 2019, pp.73-108
- Motivation to Act in Confucianism and Christianity in Matteo Ricci’s The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven (Tianzhu Shiyi 天主實義), in : Frontiers of Philosophy in China,Volume 14 (2019): Issue 2 (Jul 2019), 226-247
- “Latin proverbs and Chinese proverbs” (拉丁谚语和中文谚语) inJournal of Latin Language and Culture(BFSU), n.8, 2020
- “Criticism, truth and cities: a view from the Classics”(批评、真理与城市:从经典角度看的三个热门话题) 麦克雷(张欣欣译 in Journal of Latin Language and Culture, n.8, 2020
- “From Latin to Italian language”(”从拉丁语到意大利语”)in Journal of Latin Language and Culture, n.9, 2021
- “Il primo Confucio Latino Il Grande Studio La Dottrina del Giusto Mezzo - I Dialoghi” (ed.) in: Intorcettiana, ISSN 2612-713X Anno IV - N.7 Gennaio-Giugno 2022
- Latin studies of the Jesuits in the 16th century – with Michele Ruggieri as an example第十六世纪耶稣会拉丁学习:以罗明坚为例 in: Journal of Latin Language and Culture, n.10, 2022
- 礼”在早期拉丁文“四书”中的翻译:兼论“礼仪之争”, ··《国际汉学》International Sinology总第2期,2022, pp.33-44 (in Chinese)
- The Latin Translations of Confucian Terminology on Government and Rule in a 16th Century Manuscript of Michele Ruggieri, S.J.,in: Empire and Politics in the Eastern and Western Civilizations: Searching for a 'Respublica Romanosinica' (Roma Sinica, 2) edited by Balbo, Andrea, Ahn, Jaewon, Kim, De Gruyter; Edition (22. August 2022)
- 编辑 “拉丁语言文化研究“期刊第10辑,6月2022年
- 文章:Il primo Confucio Latino Il Grande Studio La Dottrina del Giusto Mezzo - I Dialoghi di Michele Ferrero (ed.) in: Intorcettiana, ISSN 2612-713X Anno IV - N.7 Gennaio-Giugno 2022
- 古代西方世界的贪婪、懒惰和圣洁“从拉丁语到意大利语” 在“拉丁语言文化研究“期刊第10辑Journal of Latin Language and Culture(BFSU), n.10, 2022
- “Il Latino nella terra di Confucio”in: Spataro (ed.) Latino: una lingua immortale. LAS Rome 2023
- 当基督教在罗马是外来宗教时 (基督徒并未被看作真正的罗马人)在 “拉丁语言文化研究“期刊第11辑Journal of Latin Language and Culture(BFSU), n.11, 2023
- Some Observations on Michele Ruggieri’s (1543-1607) Latin Translation of Mencius, in: Salesianum 85 (2023) 1, 91-114
- Il Grande Studio-Trascrizione, traduzione e commento di un manoscritto inedito di Michele Ruggieri SJ (1543 - 1607) a cura di Michele Ferrero, Intorcettiana ISSN 2612-713X Anno V - N.9 Gennaio-Giugno 2023
- The First Latin Translation of Li礼 from the Analects of Confucius: Roman Virtues or Religious Acts? In: The Catholic Encounter with Chinese Thought, Society and Politics in the Ming–Qing Dynasties
德鲁斯和伊索寓言,最早被翻译成中文的西方文本之一 在“拉丁语言文化研究“期刊第11辑Journal of Latin Language and Culture(BFSU), n.12, 2024
- 利玛窦《天主实义》中的托马斯神学 [意]麦克雷(Michele Ferrero) 著 徐明佳 译, 在:国际汉学译丛4 2024
- Cooperation with Sinology Research Centre, Beijing Foreign Studies University
- Contributed to the Chinese translation of the Latin text of Jean Luis Vives in “Introduzione alla Sapientia”, LAS, Roma, 2012
科研项目 (Research programs)
Organizer of the first conference on “The teaching of Latin language in Chinese universities”, Beijing Foreign Studies University, June 2011
Co-organizer of the Conference on “Early Translations of the Chinese Bible” (早期中译本《圣经》译本研讨会), Beijing Foreign Studies University, June 2012
Organizer of the Conference “”“313:改变西方语言的一年”国际研讨会 , Beijing Foreign Studies University, June 2013
Organizer of the conferences “From Latin to European languages” at Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2014-15.
Organizer of the conferences “Classics influence on Western languages and literatures” at Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2015-16.
Organizer of the conferences “Middle Ages Literature and Culture” at Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2016-17.
Organizer of the conferences “Education and Youth in Antiquity” at Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2017-18.
Organizer of the conferences “Education and Youth in Antiquity” at Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2017-18.
Organizer of the conferences “ Latin and European Languages” at Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2019-21.
其他成果 (Others)
Founder 奠基人of Latinitas Sinica, Centre for Latin Language and Culture (拉丁语言文化中心) – 独立的机构为推动拉丁语研究在中国
Editor of “拉丁语言文化研究 “ Journal of Latin Language and Culture
Organizer of the yearly 每一年 “Beijing Foreign Studies University Latin Songs Show 拉丁歌表演” (2011- )
From 2018 on the Advisory Board of “Roma Sinica” De Gruyter – 顾问