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发布者: [发表时间]:2016-03-15 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

作者:Soares, Kevin Carreira

题目:“澳门主教(1576-1782)”( Os Bispos de Macau (1576-1782)

Dissertação de Mestrado em História (História Moderna) apresentada à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra.

This MA thesis on the bishops ofMacau(344 pages) between 1576 and 1782 (in Portuguese) can be found online as a PDF at this page: http://hdl.handle.net/10316/29890


The episcopacy formed an important elite during the early modern period. The royal appointment followed by apostolic confirmation, complemented by the sacred character of the episcopal office, provided the formation of a body of individuals who should, other than its religious duties, ensure compliance with the royal provisions and collaborate in the temporal government of the territories assigned to them. At the same time, they should monitor and control the behavior of populations kept under their jurisdiction. Thus, understanding the archetype sought for each territory and acknowledge how they related to other governing elites is essential to understand the history of any community. This work aims to contribute in fulfilling this objective in relation to theMacaobishops since the creation of the diocese (1576) until the end of the last bishop appointed during the Pombal consulate (1782). The multicultural situation, the ambiguous status of permanent renewal, coupled with dual reporting to the representative of the Portuguese crown and the Chinese emperor, were circumstances that made the episcopal presence and action in this territory peculiar, in the context of the Portuguese empire. In a comparative perspective, taking as principle the episcopal models sought for the remaining overseas territories, the analysis of bishops chosen forMacaoenables an improved understanding of the specific strategies that guided the royal sovereign government of the territory. Finally, this study aims to be a new contribution to the knowledge of the bishops in the Portuguese overseas territories.

To contact the author: Kevin Soares < kevincasoares@gmail.com>