作者:夏伯嘉(Hsia, Po-chia Ronnie)
题名:《利玛窦与中国天主教团(1583-1610)》(Matteo Ricci and the Catholic Mission to China, 1583–1610)
Series: Passages: Key Moments in History.Indianapolis&CambridgeMA: Hackett Publishing Company, 2016. xvii + 146 pp., ISBN: 978-1-62466-432-8
This highly readable collection is conceived for teaching purposes, but will also interest the general educated reader and the scholar. It opens with a concise introduction to Ricci’s life and the context of the early modern Catholic mission in China; the bulk of the book (xvii + 146 pages) is a collection of excerpts from primary sources by Ricci and his contemporaries, offering, often for the very first time, an English translation from original documents in Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Chinese