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发布者: [发表时间]:2015-06-16 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

吳伯婭: “《身见录》与《海国闻见录》之比较,”,《北京行政学院学报》2015年,第1期,第113~119頁。

摘要: 鸦片战争以前中国人对世界的认识十分贫乏。康熙六十年(1721),山西人樊守义著《身见录》。雍正八年(1730),福建人陈伦炯著《海国闻见录》。这是18世纪上半叶中国人开眼看世界的珍贵文献。有必要从作者身世、写作背景、撰著经过、写作目的、内容特色等方面,对这两部书进行比较分析。

Abstract:Chinese people's understanding of the world is very poor before the Opium War. Travels to the West by Fan Shouyi in 1721, from Shanxi province and What I have seen and heard of in oversea countries by Chen Lunjiong in 1730, from Fujian province, were the precious literature that indicated that Modern Chinese opened their eyes to the world. This paper tries to analyze these two books from some aspects, such as, the author's life, writing background, writing process, writing purpose and content feature.