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发布者: [发表时间]:2015-06-16 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

罗莹, “清朝来华耶稣会士卫方济及其儒学译述研究”,《北京行政学院学报》2015年,第1期,第120~128頁。

摘要:“四书”域外传播史是“中学西传”跨文化研究中的重要课题。结合“礼仪之争”这一时代背景,可对比利时来华耶稣会士卫方济的儒学译介成果进行梳理,重点关注他于1711年在布拉格出版的儒学典籍译著《中华帝国六经》(Sinensis Imperii Libri Classici Sex)。进而以该书《中庸》译文为例,比较卫氏译文与其他拉丁文译本之间的异同。一方面勾勒出16-18世纪来华耶稣会士对儒学典籍翻译与阐释的基本路径;另一方面着重探讨卫氏译文的独特之处及个中缘由。

Abstract:The spreading of Confucian Four Books in aboard is regarded as important topic in cross-cultural studies on the Transmission of Chinese Learning to the West. Against the historical background of Rite Controversy, this paper summarizes the Confucian translations by the Belgian Jesuit François Noël (1651-1729), focusing on Doctrine of the Mean in his Sinensis Imperii Libri Classici Sex translated and published in 1711. Comparing with the other Latin earlier translations, the differences and similarities in the Jesuits works of different generations will be clarified. So that on one hand, the Jesuits who came to China from the 16th to 18th century, their translation strategy and the interpretation way of Confucian classics are summarized based on various examples; on the other hand, the characteristics of Noël's translations and his motives will be also investigated and discussed.