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发布者: [发表时间]:2015-09-23 [来源]: [浏览次数]:


名称:“晚明福建教会的罪与赎”(“Sin and penance in Fujian Christianity in Late Ming times”),

作者:Erik Zürcher (1928-2008),

pp. 91-112, in: Max Deeg & Bernhard Scheid (eds.), Religion in China: Major concepts and minority positions, Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2015 [Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, vol. 862 / Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens, no. 85], xii + 240 p., ISBN 978-3-7001-7759-3.

For the table of contents, see the attachment (notice the article by Roman Malek: “Christianity and its manifestations inChinatoday”). This book contains the proceedings of the symposium ‘Religionen inChina’, 2-5 Sept. 2002 (Wien, Institut für Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens). For an apology for the belated publication of the papers (printed as they were presented in 2002), see the foreword by Max Deeg (pp. ix-x).

Comparison with Zürcher’s article “Buddhist chanhui and Christian confession in seventeenth-century China”, in: ‘Forgive us our sins’: Confession in late Ming and early Qing China (Nettetal: 2002, Monumenta Serica Monograph LV), pp. 103-127 [reprinted in 2012 and 2013, see CCT database], shows that the present article (2002/2015) was a first draft of the 2006 article (based on his paper presented at a workshop in Leuven in June 2004). For example, pp. 101-105 (2002) are virtually the same as pp. 122-126, but the part dealing with Buddhist chanhui rituals (2006, pp. 106-118) is much more elaborated and detailed than in the 2002 (2015) article (pp. 94-96, without any source-reference). On the other hand, certain parts were erased in the 2006 edition, e.g. "Confucian monotheism" (2002/2015, pp. 97-98)