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发布者: [发表时间]:2015-03-02 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

作者:Littlejohn, Ronnie

论文名:《初次接触:利玛窦日记中西方对道教早期观点》(“First contact: The earliest Western views of Daoism in Matteo Ricci’s Journals”)

pp. 111-126

in The Dynamics of Cultural Counterpoint in Asian Studies

Eds. David Jones and Michele Marion

Albany, SUNY Press, 2014

ISBN: 978-1-4384-5193-0

Introduction (pp. 1-14, by Roger T. Ames, Peter D. Hershock & Elizabeth Buck), p. 11:

Ronnie Littlejohn in his essay ... begins from contemporary Western accounts of how Ricci and the Jesuit missionaries in their “first contact” were roundly critical of what they took to be the superstitious and banal practices of a popular Daoism that flourished in the China of the time. Through a careful reading of the travel journals of Ricci, Littlejohn fairly confirms that Ricci’s dismissive missionary reading of Daoist beliefs and religious practices tell us more about the Jesuits’ Christian prejudices and their intolerance of a powerful, competing tradition than that they do about the real historical conditions of China’s most popular and persistent indigenous religion. Indeed, we discover the limits of Ricci’s much celebrated accommodationism.