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发布者: [发表时间]:2016-04-06 [来源]: [浏览次数]:


作者:钟鸣旦 (Nicolas Standaert),


(Chinese voices in the Rites Controversy: The mondialisation of a local problem, 1701-1704),

in: Fudan xuebao 复旦学报, no. 58.1 (March 2016), pp. 95-103

Abstract: The Chinese rites controversy in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries is often considered a purely European affair. Yet, to what extent did Chinese scholars take part in the debates concerning the rites? An exceptional series of Chinese and European sources dating from the years 1701-1704 provided new evidence for the Chinese voices in this controversy. They include a collection of some 60 Chinese letters with the impressive number of ca. 430 different signatories that were sent to Rome to make their voice heard. They are the Chinese voices in the controversy. These letters provide a unique insight in the sociological composition of the local Christian communities and the networks that existed between them at the beginning of the eighteenth century. This article will investigate how knowledge about Chinese rites was produced, distributed, and exchanged at that time.

[ This article was one of the papers presented at the first workshop on Chinese Catholic studies during the Ming and Qing, held atShanghaiUniversityin November 2012. ]