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“1850年之前关于中国的西方书籍”(Western Books on China published up to 1850)缩微胶片

本系列由荷兰IDC公司制作,收入缩微胶片版书籍654种,系以John Lust编伦敦大学(University of London)亚非学院(School of Oriental and African Studies)藏1850年之前关于中国的西方书籍目录(Western Books on China published up to 1850,A descriptive catalogue, with author, title and supplementary subject indexes, 352 pp., 17 ill., 230 * 160 mm, Clothbound, ISBN 1 870076 02 8, Bamboo Publishing Ltd., 1987,719 Fulham Road,LondonEnglandSW6 5UL)为基础。



1、百科全书著作(Encyclopaedic works)

2、集体著作(Collective compilations)

3、混编作品,记事类(Miscellaneous writings, Notebooks)

4、书目(Bibliography, Libraries)

5、中国研究(Chinese studies, Polemics)



8、历史(History, General works, Historiography)

9、国际关系(International relations)

10、经济(Economic affairs)

11、国际贸易(International trade)

12、中国社会(Chinese society)

13、儒家经典,哲学(Confucian classics, Philosophy)


15、中国宗教(Religions of China)



18、艺术,建筑(Arts, Architecture)


20、手工业(Handicraft industries)

21、香港(Hong Kong)

22、中国主题作品(Chinese inspired works, Pastiches)

A collection of 654 books on microfiche based on the impressive bibliography by John Lust of all early western books on China to be found in the library of the SOAS

As John Lust says in his introduc­tion to his book Western Books onChinapublished up to 1850 the material in this collection is becom­ing harder to find the further the period in which it was produced recedes from us. This literature covers the first great period of Western contact with China, and ranges from accounts by medieval travellers and delegations to the first stages of the European attempts to bring China into the world market and to gain, if necessary by force, a foothold in the south and ultimately in the capital.

The material contains, in the first place, an abundance of observations and hearsay, running the gamut from the valuable and the credible to sheer fantasy and invention. The enthusiastic exaggerations of foreign visitors often have to be tempered by comparison with sober reports in Chinese sources, such as local gazet­teers and memoires.

Secondly, there is material testifying to the formidable difficulties en­countered by Westerners attempting to impose on Chinese matters their own familiar historical, linguistic, religious, and other categories, which themselves were undergoing transfor­mations in this period.

Thirdly, there is the material arising from the activities of Westerners in direct contact withChina, the embas­sies, and so on, and by the unofficial intermediaries betweenChinaand the West, the traders and mis­sionaries. This group has much in common with the second one, be­cause a great deal of the interpreta­tion ofChinais even more important as an interpretation of the Western scene itself. A striking general example of this kind of case is the remarkable shift in attitude toChinathat occurred in the 1830s and 1840s. In many items in this collection, one can observe the notions of benevolent and philosophical despotism and the illusory idylls of eighteenth century Chinoiserie being replaced by contempt for things Chinese and by strident attitudes of superiority in military, ethical, political, and other respects.

The printed bibliography

This microfiche collection has been based on:

John Lust, Western Books onChinapublished up to 1850, in the Library of theSchoolofOrientaland African Studies,UniversityofLondon. A descriptive catalogue, with author, title and supplementary subject indexes. 352 pp., 17 ill., 230 x 160 mm.

Clothbound ISBN 1 870076 02 8

Bamboo Publishing Ltd.,1987 719 Fulham Road,LondonEnglandSW6 5UL

The printed bibliography comes free with the complete microfiche collection.

The JL. numbers in the title descriptions in the catalogue refer to this bibliography


1. Encyclopaedic works

2. Collective compilations

3. Miscellaneous writings, Notebooks

4. Bibliography, Libraries

5. Chinese studies, Polemics

6. Geography

7. Travels

8. History, General works, Historiography

9. International relations

10. Economic affairs

11. International trade

12. Chinese society

13. Confucian classics, Philosophy

14. Education

15. Religions ofChina

16. Language

17. Literature

18. Arts, Architecture

19. Sciences

20. Handicraft industries

21. Hong Kong

22. Chinese inspired works, Pastiches


Related IDC projects

The collection

1. Encyclopaedic works

2. Collective compilations

3. Miscellaneous writings, Notebooks

4. Bibliography, Libraries

5. Chinese Studies, Polemics

6. Geography

7. Travels

8. History, General works, Historiography

9. International relations

10. Economic affairs

11. International trade

12. Chinese society

13. Confucian classics, Philosophy

14. Education

15. Religions ofChina

16. Language

17. Literature

18. Arts, Architecture

19. Sciences

20. Handicraft industries

21. Hongkong

22. Chinese inspired works, Pastiches

Number of Number of

Titles fiches

59 533

21 572

18 70

4 9

7 11

76 289


63 421

42 216

5 14

34 156

22 89

34 142

7 17


93 495

26 94

11 27

61 110

16 29

2 10

15 94

Scope 654 titles

Size Designated by the last figure of the IDC order number in the catalogue (e.g. LHT-898/1)

The following figures are used:

/1 for 105 x 148 mm fiche /2 for 90 x 120 mm fiche

Reduction ratio Varies according to the size of the original

Internal Eye-legible headers with title on each fiche

finding aids

External The printed bibliography Western Books onChina

finding aids published up to 1850, by John Lust

[1]The titles marked with an asterisk (*) are parts of larger works in this collection, therefore they are not integrated in the collection price.